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Building Better Hospitals for the Future
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Better Hospitals Consultation
What are we consulting on?
Why are we proposing changes?
Key documents and links
Video library
News, meetings and events
Consultation news
Press office
Meetings and events
Consultation facts
Citizens' Panel
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News and Media Centre
What are we consulting on?
Why are we proposing changes?
Key documents and links
News and Media Centre
News releases and updates
Digital press office
News releases and updates
Digital press office
See pages in this section
Meetings and events
Citizens' Panel
Have your say
Website policies and guidance
Website accessibility
Video library
The power is in your hands
Your questions
Myth buster
your future hospitals
Consultation Questionnaire Data Protection statement
News and Media Centre
On this page you will be able to follow the story of the Building Better Hospitals of the Future consultation, including the latest news and social media.
View all the press releases and news updates relating to the campaign
If you are a member of the media, please visit our online press office.
Tweets by NHSLeicester